Q) When I talk with someone at Cobert Banking Courier Corp do I get assigned a sales rep?
A) All customers new and current are handled by the owner himself, he will gladly meet you at your location to review how we can safely transport your bank deposits.
Q) What is the time frame that I have to commit when I sign your service agreement?
A) Our service contracts are open ended. They are also simple and designed to protect the customer. If for any reason you wish to end our partnership simply email or fax a letter stating when you would like to end service. We offer this easy out because we are that confident you will be extremely happy with our services.
Q) What if I need to reach someone in your office at an off hour?
A) If there is no one in the office all calls and e-mails are sent directly to my phone which I have near me 24/7.
Q) What are your sur-charges for holidays and weekends?
A) We never put a sur-charge on your bills. Your price is your price.
Q) How often and when do you bill me?
A) Our bills go out at the end of the month so you are paying for the month that passed not pre-paying for the month coming up.
Q) Will my store have a different guard every day?
A) No, we try to keep the guard the same so he knows your routine and the area he is in. Anytime a new guard is in your location a familiar face will do an introduction first.
Q) Do all guards carry an I.D. card?
A) Yes, all guards do and we give you a photo card of the guard so you know who your guards are. This prevents someone creating a false ID card and claiming they are an employee of Cobert Banking Courier Corp.
Q) Why do you prefer being discreet instead of utilizing armored vehicles?
A) When an armored truck arrives at your location it publicly reveals information. We strongly believe it is better to be discreet with your valuables.
Please call us anytime with questions you may have with our services.